Event 1. Theme: Entrepreneurship (Quarter: I)
Name of Activity: My Story – Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur
Date: November 04, 2022
Programme driven by: IIC Calendar Activity, Institute Innovation Cell, CMP Degree College, Prayagraj
Duration of activity (in mins): 120 minutes Number of Beneficiary: 122
About the Event:
Mr. Anil Kumar Shahi (B.Sc., M.B.A., LL.B) is the Co-Promoter, Director and the chief Executive officer of the Imogene Solutions Pvt. Ltd Company. He is having more than 25 years of experience in the Business Administration, Human Resource and Finance. With his multifunctional experience, he guides our students about growth strategies of a company and a business within the food & Ayurveda related industry. The program was conducted in offline mode with an objective for the development of an Entrepreneurial mindset to establish a new venture.

Success Story of co-founder Shahi Masala
Facebook URL: https://m.facebook.com/story.phpstory_fbid=675001780892058&substory_index=675001780892058&id=100087502628037&mibextid=Nif5oz
Event 2. Theme: Design Thinking/Innovation (Quarter: I)
Name of Activity: Expert talk and Workshop on “Entrepreneurship & Innovation as Career Opportunity
Date: October 13, 2022
Programme driven by: IIC Calendar Activity, Institute Innovation Cell, CMP Degree College, Prayagraj
Duration of activity (in mins): 300 minutes Number of Beneficiary: 94
About the Event:
Institute Innovation Cell of CMP Degree College has organized a workshop on the topic “Innovation in Mushroom Cultivation and Opportunities for Self-Employment” by Dr. Hemlata Pant, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Zoology. Dr. Pant discussed about the innovative methods of mushroom cultivation while explaining about the nutrients present in the mushroom. She highlighted how children can generate employment by mushroom cultivation. She also told about the use of Mushroom like Vegetables, Badi, Achaar, Mathri, Cosmetics, Biscuits and Medicines also. Event was conducted in offline mode with the objective to orient students to start their own business of Mushroom with innovative techniques.

Expert Talk on Mushroom cultivation as career opportunity
Event 3. Theme: Design Thinking/Innovation (Quarter: I)
Name of Activity: Educational Tour on Herbal Gardening and Organic Farming
Date: October 10, 2022
Programme driven by: IIC Calendar Activity, Institute Innovation Cell, CMP Degree College, Prayagraj
Duration of activity (in mins): 300 minutes Number of Beneficiary: 44
About the Event:
Institute Innovation Council, C.M.P. College Prayagraj had organized an Educational Tour on “Herbal Gardening and Organic Farming” on October 10, 2022. Under this programme, the students were taken on a private organic farming area of Naini, Chaka Block (Prayagraj). Mr. Satyavrat Singh, Junior Project Fellow, Traditional-Rehabilitation Forest Research Center, Prayagraj, gave complete information about the organic farming of various crops, vegetables and fruits present in the field of organic agriculture. He also introduced about the benefits of organic farming and the necessary means used in it. This program was successfully conducted in offline mode with the objective to orient students towards Benefits of Organic Farming for mankind, to establish their own business of organic farming and market distribution.
Event 4. Theme: Design Thinking/Innovation (Quarter: I)
Name of Activity: Expert Talk on “Session on Problem-Solving and Ideation Worksop”
Date: October 08, 2022
Programme driven by: IIC Calendar Activity, Institute Innovation Cell, CMP Degree College, Prayagraj
Duration of activity (in mins): 130 minutes Number of Beneficiary: 54
About the Event:
Institute Innovation Council, C.M.P. Degree College, Prayagraj has organized a Workshop on “Problem-Solving and Ideation” on October 08, 2022. It was the interactive session between the expert and Convener IIC, D. Archana Pandey and students. Dr. Pandey has defined and discussed the terms Problem, their eight ways to understand it in terms of “what, why, where, when, which, who, how and whom, ideation techniques for e.g., brain storming, brain mapping, brain sketching, story boarding etc., potential solutions of the problem and implementation of the best option. This program was successfully conducted in offline mode with the objective of developing temperament of Identification of problems and solutions among students.
Event 5. Theme: Design Thinking/Innovation (Quarter: I)
Name of Activity: Poster Presentation on Innovative Ideas – Manage through Yukti NIR
Date: November 22, 2022
Programme driven by: IIC Calendar activity, Institute Innovation Cell, CMP Degree College, Prayagraj
Duration of activity (in mins): 540 minutes Number of Beneficiary: 35
About the Event:
Institute Innovation Council, C.M.P. Degree College, Prayagraj organized an Competition on “Poster Presentation on Innovative Ideas – Manage through Yukti NIR” by Dr. Himani Chaurasia on November 22, 2022. All the posters were very informative and meant to be relevant to our daily life problems. Following ideas were presented as: Recycling Lithium-ion batteries, Innovative Ideas: Deprinter and Biobattery, Innovative Ideas on Air Pollution, Innovation of new thread of thought: Quote of Hanuman Chalisa, Biogas Plant in Organic Farming, Hydration of Portland Blended Cement for Sustainable Development etc. In this event the winners were – Ms. Kajal Singh (1st Prize), Ritu Ravi (2nd Prize), Raushan Kumar (3rd Prize), Anshu Singh (Consolation Prize). Event was conducted in offline mode with the objective to orient students towards Identification of problems and their innovative solutions.
CMP Degree College Official Facebook URL: https://m.facebook.com/story.phpstory_fbid=pfbid03GAiQDGEwMp6TfK57v4ApaEqWTA8eWHcTP2PnAPfepaiKZAU1qTnxvg2XXRQaLPFl&id=100087502628037&mibextid=Nif5oz
Event 6. Theme: Design Thinking/Innovation (Quarter: I)
Name of Activity: Inter/Intra Institutional Idea Competition/Hackathon & Reward Best Ideas – Manage through Yukti NIR: Idea Bank
Date: November 26-28, 2022
Programme driven by: IIC Calendar Activity, Institute Innovation Cell, CMP Degree College, Prayagraj
Duration of activity (in days): 03 Number of Beneficiary: 33
About the Event:
Institute Innovation Cell, C.M.P. College Prayagraj had developed an Idea bank. In which total 30 students were taken a part to write their innovative idea to resolve their daily life issues. In this event Dr. Archana Pandey has guided students about innovative thinking and Problem solving on November 26, 2022 and 30 Students were participated in three batches and per batch was guided by 1 teacher, in this way all participants has convey their ideas by November 28, 2022. The following students were awarded for their best ideas : – 1. Mr. Anshu Singh on “Agri- Qscan device for food quality checks” (1st Prize), Mr. Adarsh Pandey on “Water Conservation (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)” (2nd Prize), Ms. Manshi Patel on “Plastic Recycling –(Reduce, Reuse and Recycling)” (3rd prize), Ms. Ujala Singh on “App to find availabilty of drinking water at nearby”, Ms. Sakshi Maurya on “Gases lighters with gas leakage alarm”, Ms. Pragati on “Self-cleaning water bottle”, Ms. Shreya on “Small size solar rechargeable security sensor alarm”, etc. The event was conducted in offline mode with the object to orient students to solve daily life issues in innovative way.
Event 7. Theme: Innovation and design thinking (Quarter: I)
Name of Activity: My Story – Motivational Session by Successful Innovator
Date: October 1, 2022
Programme driven by: IIC Calendar Activity, Institute Innovation Cell, CMP Degree College, Prayagraj
Duration of activity (in mins): 180 minutes Number of Beneficiary: 99
About the Event:
Dr. Gaurav Krishna is proprietor of Allahabad Advance Agri Solutions, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, acquired several years of rich experience in seeds industry at JK Seeds, Hyderabad as Scientist and at public sector organization, Biotech Consortium India Limited, New Delhi (A Company Promoted by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, Ministry of Science and Technology) as Sr. Project Officer, while working towards plant science research and its commercialization. He has shared his experience in the field of biotechnology research, molecular biology and also on implementation of unique quality management system in plant tissue culture industry under Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India programme namely “National Certification System for Tissue Culture Raised Plants”. He focussed on the quote “job providers rather than job seekers” Dr. Krishna has been awarded for the most prestigious “Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2019” by YEFORUM. Program was conducted in offline mode wityh the objective to orient students towards Development of a vibrant local innovation ecosystem and Start-up supporting mechanism during HEs.
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