Quarter I

Quarter I

Event 1. Theme: Design Thinking/Innovation (Quarter: I)

Name of Activity: Session on Role of Innovation ambassadors

Date: October 11, 2022

Programme driven by: Self Driven Activity, Institute Innovation Cell, CMP Degree College, Prayagraj

Duration of activity (in mins): 90 minutes

Number of Beneficiary: 76

About the Event:

Dr. Anuradha Singh is working as an Assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry, S. S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College, University of Allahabad and Convener IIC. She had delivered her lecture on Role of Innovation Ambassadors in Institutional Innovation Council. In which she discussed about How its training can be done, What are the benefits of the training and how its worthy for our job. The event was conducted in offline mode with the objective of knowing How to manage training of innovation ambassadors with college responsibilities and purpose/benefits of training.

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